FIDE Principals
President of FIDE Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov (RUS)
FIDE First Vice President Mr. Georgious Makropoulos (GRE)
FIDE Vice President Mr. Andrey Selivanov (RUS)
FIDE Vice President GM Zurab Azmaiparashvilli (GEO)
Press-officer Mr. Berik Balgabaev (RUS)
Chairperson, Medical Commission Dr. Jana Bellin (ENG)
Panel of judges
Chief Arbiter IA Andrzei Fillipowicz (POL)
Deputy Chief Arbiter IA Ashot Vardapetian (ARM)
Deputy Arbiter (Rounds 1-5) IA Ms. Sava Kizova (SCG)
Deputy Arbiter (Rounds 1-4) WGM Nana Alexandria (GEO)
Deputy Chief Arbiter IA Alexander Shaab (RUS)
Appeals Committee
Chairman, Appeals Committee Mr. Georgious Makropoulos (GRE)
Member, Appeals Committee Mr. Lakhdar Mazouz (ALG)
Member, Appeals Committee Mr. Nizar Elhaj (LBA)
Member, Appeals Committee Mr. Evgeny Eletsky (RUS)