WWCC 2006
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Closing Ceremony Photo Report

Live broadcast from the Closing Ceremony

Kaissa’s festival is coming to an end


Xu Yuhua: “Not thinking about rewards”

Anatoly Sysoev: “Prefer playing White”

Nona Gaprindashvili: “The Chess created me”

Match keeps its mystery!

“I liked difficulties"

Alexander Philipenko: “Alisa performs a manlike style”

21.03.2006   Russia vs. China: year of friendship and fight

The final match for the Champion’s title will see Alisa Galliamova and Xu Yuhua. In 1999 Russian player already met Chinese Xie Jun fighting for the Champion’s Title. At that time the latter won the victory.

Semi-finals displayed the importance of playing White. Yesterday at the first day of semifinals Alisa Galliamova and Xu Yuhua managed to draw their first games and today White took the iitiative and made the opponents defend.

Matveeva had chances to draw in Rook ending but relinquished winning positions. A complicated Queen endgame made Svetlana lose the Queen and deprived her, to her fans’ greatest disappointment, of winning chances.

Cmilyte had a shaking defense - active counterattacks followed passive defensive moves. Finally with decreasing pieces Black got a complicated position and Rook ending left no chances for Cmilyte.

As a consequence, a political summit of Russian and Chinese presidents in Beijing will get a peculiar continuation at the Urals Olympus. But unlike this friendly political meeting Yekaterinburg will see uncompromising chess battle.

Viktoria Cmilyte and Svetlana Matveeva will be awarded bronze medals at the closing ceremony.

WWCC 2006